Diet for prostate adenoma and prostatitis: sample menu, prohibited and permitted foods

For more effective treatment of prostatitis, a special diet for prostate adenoma has been created. This disease, as is known, often starts to bother men at an older age, when the body wears out, and therefore chronic inflammations and benign formations gradually develop.

diet for prostatitis

In order to be able to cure such a disease as best as possible, doctors often include a special diet as part of the complex treatment in addition to surgery and medication. It is believed that those who followed a proper diet for prostatitis and adenoma had a better prognosis in terms of recovery than those who ignored it. This is exactly what such a nutrition plan will be discussed in this article.

Prostatitis and adenoma - brief information

prostate adenoma

Before we move on to find out what is the diet for prostate adenoma and prostatitis, you need to know about these diseases. The prostate itself is an organ located just below the bladder. It has a very important role, as it helps produce sperm, which gives life to future offspring. However, over time, a benign tumor, better known as an adenoma, can form in it. Although it is not a cancerous disease and therefore does not metastasize, its appearance still causes unpleasant and even painful sensations.

This is directly due to the fact that the prostate is connected to the bladder by a small urethra. Once the tumor becomes too large, it compresses this duct and prevents normal urination, which is another unpleasant consequence of the disease. That is why a whole range of tools and procedures must be used for its comprehensive treatment, one of which is the prostate adenoma and prostatitis diet.

The essence of diet

the benefits of the diet for prostatitis

Today, more and more young people are diagnosed with prostatitis. If before it was formed after fifty years, now it can also be found in thirty-year-old men. There are many reasons for such an unpleasant consequence, but one of the most important is improper nutrition. That is why the diet for prostate adenoma and prostatitis shows such an effective result, as it helps normalize nutrition and at the same time suppresses the development of the disease.

The products on this diet are selected individually, as many human characteristics must be taken into account. It often happens that the patient simply cannot tolerate many foods that are allowed to be eaten. And if you add other serious diseases to prostatitis, it will be very difficult to create a suitable diet for prostate adenoma and urinary retention. In general, however, the focus of this diet can be explained as follows - as many foods as possible should be introduced into the diet, which will help alleviate the hormonal imbalance in the body.

Benefits of the diet

The diet set for the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma should be as varied as possible, but at the same time, it should only consist of foods recommended by the doctor. There are no very strict restrictions on many ingredients, and the principles of nutrition are based solely on the principles of healthy nutrition. If they are strictly followed, the quality of life of patients with prostatitis or adenoma can change dramatically, as the main symptoms of the disease - pain and discomfort - begin to decrease, so the general state of health improves. In addition, the anti-prostate adenoma diet helps prevent the spread of the disease, which often leads to cancer, as well as prevent further growth of the tumor and reduce the amount of testosterone in the prostate cells.

All products that are used to create such a diet have a positive effect on men's health. In addition, plant foods prevent the increased production of testosterone, which causes the development of the disease.

Doctors advice

useful foods prostatitis

In fact, there is no specific diet for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis, so doctors often advise patients to follow various other nutritional methods. When creating a diet, you should focus in particular on the principles of the following diets:

  • Table No. 7 was developed by Soviet scientist Pevzner specifically for people with kidney disease. This ratio of the two diets is due to the fact that with prostatitis, kidney disease often appears as an accompanying disease, so they should be alleviated and rested as much as possible.
  • In the case of infectious diseases, table 13 is considered the most appropriate, since prostatitis is often caused by bacteria. Therefore, if you improve the functioning of the immune system as much as possible, the body independently fights the disease with internal forces, and not only with the help of drugs.
  • Table 14 helps patients with urolithiasis because the bladder is adjacent to the prostate. Treatment of the bladder often leads to the prostate becoming functional again.
  • In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the special diet chart No. 15 is used, which does not, however, require adherence to a special diet.

You should build your diet on the diet for prostate adenoma and prostatitis, specifically focusing on these useful therapeutic diets. In this way, you can not only alleviate the disease, but also improve the general condition of the body.

dietary rules for prostatitis

Diet rules

The diet for prostatitis and prostate adenoma is based on a number of fairly simple rules that must be followed in order to achieve the most effective results, so:

  • You should not drink directly during a meal, as this promotes the increased production of gastric juice, which impairs the natural digestion process. It is recommended to drink only 20 minutes after a meal.
  • You should also not drink water before going to bed, because this forces the kidneys and bladder to work at night, which should be at rest.
  • In no case should you overeat, as this can easily upset the balance of food processing. This leads to a slowing down of the metabolism, and then to fat deposition and excess weight. As a result, obesity negatively affects prostate function. That is why fractional nutrition must be followed in small portions.
  • The consumption of foods that cause gas formation is recommended in minimal quantities. Beans, sugary carbonated drinks and beer should be banned.
  • To avoid thermal overheating, it is best to serve hot food.
  • In the case of prostate adenoma, you cannot eat fried foods. Prostate adenoma only reacts positively to boiled, steamed, fried and stewed foods.
  • In food, the main emphasis should be placed on foods that are rich in protein and fiber and practically do not contain fast carbohydrates or fats. It is best to choose plant foods containing vitamins B6, C, lutein and beta-carotene.

Authorized products

approved products for prostatitis

The list of foods allowed on the adenoma diet is quite extensive, so it will be easy to find and buy them. These ingredients are:

  • Lean meats and poultry - veal, rabbit, lean pork, chicken, turkey. The consumption of boiled waterfowl (duck and goose) is recommended in small quantities during the period of remission.
  • Fish is also limited to only low-fat varieties. Salmon, carp and silver carp should be put aside for a while.
  • Milk and fermented milk products - sour cream, butter, unleavened cheeses, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. Cottage cheese is also allowed, but in small quantities.
  • As for eggs, it is best to limit ourselves to chicken and quail.
  • Cereals, in addition to semolina, as well as pasta are not limited. Baked goods are allowed, but should be consumed in minimal quantities.
  • Any fruits and vegetables are allowed, except for those on the restricted list - potatoes, onions, turnips, garlic, radishes.
  • The best choice is Siberian berries - blueberries, blueberries, cranberries. If desired, you can also eat blueberries or raspberries.

Prohibited products

If doctors have diagnosed prostatitis or adenoma in a man, he should limit the consumption of certain types of food. These include:

  • Any fatty food, as well as fats of animal origin - lard, lard, fatty and red meat - can all trigger the development of the disease.
  • You cannot eat products that have previously undergone industrial processing. Avoid fried, smoked, salted, vinegared and spicy foods.
  • The diet must not contain canned or semi-finished products.
  • Alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks should also be excluded, as they cause swelling of the mucous membrane of the urethra, and therefore negatively affect the treatment process and can cause a relapse.

The drinking system

drinking for prostatitis

In the stage 2 prostate adenoma diet, as in all prostate diseases, you should be very careful about drinking water. The last large fluid intake should be no later than two hours before going to bed to prevent kidney failure during the night. The best solution is to drink compotes, fruit drinks and tea, as well as various herbal infusions, which are aimed at improving the functioning of the kidneys, prostate and bladder. It would be best if you completely avoid coffee and fruit juices in packaged form during the treatment, because they have a negative effect on your health.

Create a menu

tomatoes for prostatitis

As mentioned earlier, the prostatitis diet recommends eating 5-6 times a day in small portions. Based on the approved products, you can create an interesting and complete menu that meets the caloric and nutritional needs of men. Below is an approximate daily menu, which can also be used to build a diet if required.


The first meal of the day should be as complete as possible and saturate the body with various microelements. An excellent option is a steamed protein omelet with cheese and vegetables. You can also serve a glass of green tea and an apple curd casserole.


The second breakfast should be light, because its role is to help avoid hunger before lunch, so don't eat anything sweet or rich in carbohydrates. Make a fruit or green smoothie - they are quite nutritious, high in fiber and very healthy.


Lunch should be as dense as possible, so it would be best to make it complicated. The main dish here will be vegetable soup with a small amount of buckwheat noodles. For the sake of satiety, it can be cooked with chicken broth. The second course here can be a steamed meat or fish slice with steamed vegetable side dish, and as a dessert we can serve a fruit salad seasoned with honey and sour cream.

Afternoon snack

The purpose of the afternoon snack is very similar to the second breakfast, so do not eat too much, but simply try to avoid eating unhealthy foods. It would be best to limit yourself to a glass of kefir or plain yogurt.


healthy dinner for prostatitis

Dinner is the best source of protein, so it contains far fewer calories than lunch. The portion should also be smaller so that you don't overfill yourself. The main course, boiled fish, is served with a side dish of fresh vegetables. Unrefined oil vinaigrette will be an excellent appetizer for hot dishes. You can also drink a mug of milk with honey before going to bed.

Our health depends on us. The most important thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle and always eat healthy food.